Monday, August 27, 2007

What is Puddingstone?

Puddingstone is rock made up of a mixture of different, irregular-sized grains and pebbles held together by a finer matrix, usually formed from quartz sand. It is found in different varieties and in different areas. But the purple-based stone found in Morris County is rare and has never been found anywhere else in New Jersey. The plum or purple tint in the stones comes from iron oxide materials; flecks in the stone are white quartz pebbles. Geologists say the stones are a glacial deposit, a sedimentary rock that has been slightly metamorphosed by heat and date from the Devonian period, 350 million to 400 million years ago. They are believed to be a remnant of an ancient mountain range. (Courtesy of the Daily Record, August 23, 2007)

Sunday, August 19, 2007

PCC Social Happenings

July 21: Annual PCC Summer Party
Forty adults and about two dozen children attended this always-popular event! Neighbors pitched in to pull this party together, and delicious homemade foods, salads and desserts were enjoyed by all. Parents supervised children's activites, and the little ones enjoyed the great swing set/playstation. The weather was great and everyone had fun visiting with their neighbors and friends!

October 20: Beer Tasting by the Borrillo's
Plan to attend another great evening when Ron and Nancy Borrillo organize another of their popular Beer Tasting events! Watch for details to follow.

November 3: Italian Night (aka Lasagna Night)
Join us in another wonderful family - neighborhood tradition as Pat Dohne and Barbara Lupinacci plan Italian Night for us. Great food prepared by neighborhood chefs, great wine, great time!

Fall Flower Sale
Watch your mailbox for details on this neighborhood classic. The "Kids Club" wants to raise money for their events, and this has always been successful for them. Please plan on participating when the flyer arrives!