Saturday, December 15, 2007

Santa Comes to Puddingstone

Santa will be visiting the Puddingstone Neighborhood on Sunday December 23rd about 10:45 am. Starting at 9:30am, all children in the neighborhood will be able to have breakfast, decorate cookies and make a holiday ornament. Please bring gifts to wrap, which will then be donated to Morristown Memorial Hospital. Contact Dominique Geddes (973-656-0322) for the 2007 Children's Wish List from the hospital. This event is open to all neighbors!!

PCC Annual Meeting

Please mark your calendars for the 2008 PCC Annual Meeting on Sunday, January 13th, at 3:00pm, at the Clubhouse. Refreshments will be served. All residents of Puddingstone are welcome to attend the meeting, and hear about 2007 year in review, and what is in store for 2008. Please plan on attending!!